Time Timer PLUS - 20 minute

Time Timer PLUS - 20 minute
NZ$ 90.00 including GST
NZ$ 78.26 excluding GST
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Offers a greater visual impact for shorter duration needs such as completing blocks of homework, silent reading, instrument or sports practice, as well as perfectly managing the 15 to 20 minute work cycles in primary school and early childhood education. The Time Timer PLUS 20 Minute is the new secret weapon for workplace meetings with 15 and 20 minute agenda items to keep each item on track and works perfectly when starting an organising project at home. And, it's the ideal visual timer for 'stand up' meetings in software development to keep on time.

Sometimes an hour is too much time, the Time Timer PLUS 20 Minute makes it easy to visualise how quickly 20 minutes will pass by.

Used as an interactive teaching tool, this classroom-tested teaching aide reinforces the sense of elapsed time with a graphic depiction of the time remaining. The Time Timer can be used to set time limits, measure the duration of activities and train students to make better use of available time.

Benefits of using a Time Timer include:

  • Increased productivity by breaking tasks or activities into manageable time segments
  • Managing the stress of travelling or waiting by showing “how much longer”
  • Reducing conflicts when turn taking, transitioning between activities and managing screen time
  • More relaxed classroom, family and household routines
  • Helping keep appointments and meetings on time

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